Systemware partners with a global leader in building materials and manufacturing to replace ASG Mobius with Systemware’s content services platform
Case Studies

Systemware partners with a global leader in building materials and manufacturing to replace ASG Mobius with Systemware’s content services platform

With nearly 10,000 employees and over three billion dollars in revenue, a leading U.S. building materials and manufacturing company was faced with a decision. The license for their existing Mobius content management software was coming up for renewal. The company had to decide whether to make a long-term commitment to the status quo or explore an alternative content services platform in line with its strategic direction. They also wanted a content services solution that could take advantage of emerging technologies. After evaluating other providers, the company decided on Systemware’s Content Cloud, a content management solution that has an industry-leading reputation for helping organizations move forward to achieve their unique content management initiatives.

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