Case Studies
Systemware JHS Case Study
A Modern Alternative to a SYSLOG/SYSOUT Legacy Content Management System
A leading commercial vehicle manufacturer struggled with managing SYSLOG and SYSOUT files on outdated output management software, CA View/Deliver. Slow processing, scalability issues, limited upgrade options, and rising maintenance costs prompted a search for a modern, cost-effective output management solution.
Systemware’s Job History System (JHS) enterprise output management tool was selected as the ideal replacement. JHS offered real-time access, secure storage, and improved visibility into job statuses, streamlining operations. The manufacturer seamlessly integrated JHS into their IBM zSystems environment and quickly realized significant improvements in SYSLOG and SYSOUT file management.
Learn More About How Your Content Can Work For You
What Are the Top 5 Essentials for a Modern Content Management Platform?
Mission-critical to today’s businesses are content management solutions that go beyond basic functionality. A modern content management platform isn’t just a to…
Better Content Management for Banks Equals Happier Customers: Here’s How
Customer service counts for a lot in banking. This has always been the case, but it’s more true now than ever, with banks of all sizes struggling to meet the heig…
6 Ways Systemware’s Record Management System Can Streamline Financial Services Operations
In a perfect world, any record management system your financial services operation puts into place would excel at streamlining processes and reducing inaccuracies i…