Systemware Helps Anheuser-Busch Migrate Off the ASG Mobius Platform in 2 Weeks
Case Studies

Systemware Helps Anheuser-Busch Migrate Off the ASG Mobius Platform in 2 Weeks

Anheuser-Busch is a globally recognized and highly respected industry leader among top U.S. brewing companies. As such, they rely heavily on their report management system to service their clients and maintain proper compliance. Under a fast-approaching and heavily increased contract renewal from mainframe solution provider ASG Mobius, the company was faced with a decision: stick with the Mobius platform or find a new mainframe solution. 

In this case study, learn how Systemware partnered with Anheuser-Busch to meet their tight deadline and deliver a solid solution to their legacy problem without disrupting their business. The result is a modern content management system positioned to re-platform and prepare for newer technologies without cumbersome integration.

Download your free copy of the case study today.

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