Product Sheets
Systemware JHS Product Sheet
Effortless Mainframe Job Management
Systemware JHS (Job History System) is your reliable safety net for flawless production and test job runs on the IBM Z platform (including z/OS 3.1). In today’s fast-paced and competitive business environment, it’s essential to meet all service level commitments, keep your end users working efficiently, and keep your customers happy. With Systemware JHS, you can achieve all that and more.
JHS can be installed as a standalone application or fully integrated with Systemware’s intelligent content services platform, or CMS. Systemware’s enterprise CMS automates and streamlines the storage, retrieval, and organization of large volumes of content so that critical information is readily accessible to authorized users across departments. When used together, JHS and Systemware’s automated CMS provide the necessary production control facilities to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and accuracy of any data center—whether you’re using a modern, browser-based interface or the reliable 3270 terminal.
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